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Tag: digital terrain model

The impact of a forest wildfire in 3D with geographical information on Cesium JS

After a few posts about the use of satellite information, let’s see how to bring it (almost) all together in a practical and impacting example. And it’s given the latest wildfires occurred in Spain that they’ve called my attention as I could not imagine how brutal they have been (although nothing compared to the ones in Chile, Australia or USA). But let’s do the exercise without spending too much GB in geographical information.

What I want is to show the extent of the fire occurred in Asturias in March, but also to show the impact removing the trees affected by the flames. Let’s do it!

Download data

I will need a Digital Surface Model (which includes trees and structures), an orthophoto taken during the fire, and a Digital Terrain Model (which has been taken away trees and structures) to replace the areas affected by the fire.

1. Terrain models

I'm going to use the great models from Spanish IGN, downloading the products MDS5 and MDT5 for the area.

2. Orthophotos

As per satellite imagery, I decided to go for Landsat this time, as it had a clearer view during the last days of the fire.

I will be using the images taken on 17th February 2023 (before the fire) and 6th April 2023 (yet in the last days).

Process satellite imagery

We'll use the process from GRASS in QGIS to group the different bands captured by the satellite in a single RGB raster, as we saw in this previous post:

You'll have to do it for every region downloaded, four in my case, that will be joint later using Build virtual raster

1. True color image (TCI)

Combine bands 4, 3, 2.

2. False color image

Combine bands 5, 4, 3.

3. Color adjustment

To get a better result, you can adjust the minimum and maximum values considered in each band composing the image. These values are found in the Histogram inside the layer properties.

here you have the values I used for the pictures above::

BandTCI minTCI maxFC minFC max
1 Red-1001500-504000
2 Green01500-1002000
3 Blue-10120001200

Fire extent

As you can see, the false color image shows a clear extension of the fire. We'll generate a polygon covering the extent of the fire with it.

First, let's query the values in Band 1 (red) which offers a good contrast for values in the area of the fire. They are in the range 300-1300.

Using the process Reclassify by table, we'll assign value 1 to the cells inside this range, and value 0 to the rest.

Vectorize the result with process Poligonize and, following the satellite imagery, select those polygons in the fire area.

Use the tool Dissolve to merge all the polygons in one element; then Smooth to round the corners slightly.

Let's now get the inverse. Extract by extent using the Landsat layer, then use Difference with the fire polygon.

Process terrain

1. Combine terrain data

Join the same type model files in one (one for the DSM, and another one for the DTM). Use process Build virtual raster

2. Extract terrain data

Extract the data of interest in each model:

  • From the DSM extract the surface affected by the fire, so you'll remove all the surface in it.
  • Do the opposite with the DTM: keep the terrain (without trees) in the fire area, so it will fill the gaps in the other model.

Use the process Crop raster by mask layer using the layers generated previously.

Finally join both raster layers, so they fill each others' gaps, using Build virtual raster.

Bring it to life with Cesium JS

You should already have a surface model without trees in the fire area, but let's try to explore it in an interactive way.

I showed a similar example, using a custom Digital Terrain Model, as well as a recent satellite image, for the Tajogaite volcano in La Palma:

In this case I'll use Cesium JS again to interact easily with the map (follow the post linked above to see how to upload your custom files to the Cesium JS viewer).

For this purpose, I created a split-screen viewer (using two separate instances of Cesium JS) to show the before and after picture of the fire. Here you have a preview:

I hope you liked it! here you have the full code and a link to github, where you can download it directly. And remember, share your doubts or comments on twitter!

🐦 @RoamingWorkshop

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Cesium JS mirror v1.0</title>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<body style="margin:0;width:100vw;height:100vh;display:flex;flex-direction:row;font-family:Arial">
<div style="height:100%;width:50%;" id="cesiumContainer1">
	<span style="display:block;position:absolute;z-Index:1001;top:0;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);color:darkorange;padding:13px">06/04/2023</span>
<div style="height:100%;width:50%;background-color:black;" id="cesiumContainer2">
	<span style="display:block;position:absolute;z-Index:1001;top:0;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);color:darkorange;padding:13px">17/02/2023</span>
	<span style="display:block;position:absolute;z-Index:1001;bottom:10%;right:0;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);color:white;padding:13px;font-size:14px;user-select:none;">
		<b><u>Cesium JS mirror v1.0</u></b><br>
		· Use the <b>left panel</b> to control the camera<br>
		· <b>Click+drag</b> to move the position<br>
		· <b>Control+drag</b> to rotate camera<br>
		· <b>Scroll</b> to zoom in/out<br>
		<span><a style="color:darkorange" href="" target="_blank">© The Roaming Workshop <span id="y"></span></a></span>
    // Your access token can be found at:
    // Replace `your_access_token` with your Cesium ion access token.

    Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = 'your_access_token';

	// Invoke LEFT view
    // Initialize the Cesium Viewer in the HTML element with the `cesiumContainer` ID.

    const viewerL = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer1', {
		terrainProvider: new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
			url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(1640615),//get your asset ID from "My Assets" menu
		baseLayerPicker: false,
		infoBox: false,

	// Add Landsat imagery
	const layerL = viewerL.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(
	  new Cesium.IonImageryProvider({ assetId: 1640455 })//get your asset ID from "My Assets" menu
	// Hide bottom widgets = "hidden"; = "hidden";

    // Fly the camera at the given longitude, latitude, and height.{
      destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-6.7200, 43.175, 6000),
      orientation : {
        heading : Cesium.Math.toRadians(15.0),
        pitch : Cesium.Math.toRadians(-20.0),
    // Invoke RIGHT view

    const viewerR = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer2', {
		terrainProvider: new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
			url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(1640502),//get your asset ID from "My Assets" menu
		baseLayerPicker: false,
		infoBox: false,

	// Add Landsat imagery
	const layerR = viewerR.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(
	  new Cesium.IonImageryProvider({ assetId: 1640977 })
	// Hide bottom widgets = "hidden"; = "hidden";

    // Fly the camera at the given longitude, latitude, and height.{
      destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-6.7200, 43.175, 6000),
      orientation : {
        heading : Cesium.Math.toRadians(15.0),
        pitch : Cesium.Math.toRadians(-20.0),
    // Invoke camera tracker
    //define a loop
    var camInterval=setInterval(function(){

    //define loop function (read properties from left camera and copy to right camera)
    function trackCam(){
				destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromElements(,,
				orientation: {
					direction : new Cesium.Cartesian3(,,,
					up : new Cesium.Cartesian3(,,
	//stop loop listeners (release mouse or stop scroll)
	//keep the copyright date updated
	var y=new Date(;

Process LIDAR data in QGIS and create your own Digital Terrain Model

Sometimes a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) might not be detailed enough or poorly cleaned. If you have access to LIDAR data, you can generate a terrain model yourself and make the most of the raw information giving more detail to areas of interest. Let’s see how.

1. Data download

Point cloud

I'll use the awesome public data from the Spanish Geographical Institute (IGN) obtained with survey flights using laser measurements (LIDAR).

  1. Access LIDAR data from IGN Downloads Center.

  1. Draw a polygon of the area of interest.
  1. Download the files PNOA-XXXX...XXXX-RGB.LAZ. RGB uses true color; ICR, infra-red. But both are valid.

TIP! Download all files using the IGN applet. It's a .jnlp file that requires Java instaled on Windows or IcedTea on Linux (sudo apt-get install icedtea-netx)

2. Process LIDAR point cloud in QGIS

Direct visualization

From the latest versions (like 3.28 LTR Firenze), QGIS includes compatibility with point cloud files.

Just drag and drop the file to the canvas or, in the menu, Layer -> Add layer... -> Add point cloud layer...

You'll see the true color data downloaded, which you can classify in the Simbology Properties, choosing Clasification by data type:

3D view

Another default function coming with QGIS is 3D visualization of the information.

Let's configure the 3D properties of the LIDAR layer to triangulate the surface and get a better result.

Now, create a new view in the menu View -> 3D Map Views -> New 3D map view. Using SHIFT+Drag you can rotate your perspective.

LAStools plugin

To handle LIDAR information easily we'll use the tools from a plugin called LAStools, which you can install in the following way:

TIP! On Linux it's recommended to install Wine to use the .exe files directly, or otherwise you'll need to compile the binaries.

  1. Access LAStools' website and scroll to the bottom:

  1. The full tool comes to a price, but you can access the public download to use the basic functions that we need.
  1. Unzip the compressed .zip file in a simple folder (without spaces or special characters)
  1. Now open QGIS, search in the plugins list for LAStools and install it.
  1. Finally, configure LAStools' installation folder (if it's different from the default C:/ ). The settings shown below work in Linux with Wine installed (using PlayOnLinux in my case).

Extract types of LIDAR data

Using LAStools we can extract information of the different data that makes up the point cloud. For example, we'll only extract the data classified as Suelo (soil) which is assigned to a value of 2.

With the process las2las_filter we'll create a filtered point cloud:

  • Select the .laz file to filter.
  • On filter, choose the option to keep_class 2
  • Leave the rest by default, and introduce 0 where the fields require a value
  • Finally, save the file with .laz extension in a known location to find it easily.

Once finished, just load the generated file and see the point cloud showing only ground data (with buildings and vegetation removed).

LIDAR to vector conversion

Now use the process las2shp to transform the point cloud into a vector format so you can operate easily with other GIS tools:

  • Choose the point cloud file just filtered.
  • Specify 1 point per record to extract every point of the cloud.
  • Save the file with .shp extension in a known location to find it easily.

And this will be your filtered point cloud in the classic vector format.

You can see that there is no specific field in the table of attributes. I'll create a new field ELEV to save the Z (height) coordinate and use it to generate a Digital Terrain Model.

3. Digital Terrain Model creation

Raster form vector point layer

Thanks to the integration of GRASS GIS, we can make use of powerful vector and raster processing tools. Let's use to generate a regular grid from the interpolation of data in a point layer (in this case the values are weighted with the inverse of the distance but the are other spline algorithms).

  • Choose the vector point layer.
  • Choose the number of points to use for interpolation (in this case the data is quite dense so I'll choose 50). The more you choose, the softer the result will be, at the expense of losing the detail of the information density.
  • Leave the power with the value of 2, to use "square inverse distance".
  • Choose the data field used in the interpolation (ELEV).
  • Define the grid cell size. I choose 2 to compare the result with the 2m DTM product from IGN.

4. Result

Let's zoom out and see how it all finished:

And now let's see a bit more detail.

Apply the same color ramp to the generated DTM and to the IGN product. Overall, the result is very similar, with some differences in tree areas, being more reasonable in the processed layer.

And that's it! Any doubt or comment can be dropped on Twitter!

🐦 @RoamingWorkshop