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Tag: inteligencia artificial

🐸Coqui-AI/TTS: ultra fast voice generation and cloning from multilingual text

A few months ago I brought TorToiSe-TTS repo, which made it easy to generate text-to-speech although it only worked with english models.

But AI world is moving so fast that today I’m bringing an evolution that completely exceeds the previous post, with complex voice generation and cloning in a matter of seconds and multilingual: Coqui-AI TTS.

Web version

If you're in a rush and don't want trouble, you can use the free huggingface space and get your cloned voice in a few seconds:

  1. Write the text to be generated
  2. Select language
  3. Upload your reference file
  4. Configure the other options (tick the boxes: Cleanup Reference Voice, Do not use language auto-detect, Agree)
  5. Request cloning to the server (Send)


Another strength of Coqui-AI TTS is the almost instant installation:

  • You'll need python > 3.9, < 3.12.
  • RAM: not as much as for image generation. 4GB should be enough.
  • Create a project folder, for example "text-2-speech". Using a Linux terminal:
    mkdir text-2-speech
  • It's convenient to create a specific python environment to avoid package incompatibilities, so you need python3-venv. I'll create an environemtn called TTSenv:
    cd text-2-speech
    python3 -m venv TTSenv
  • Activate the environment in the terminal:
    source TTSenv/bin/activate
  • If you only need voice generation (without cloning or training), install TTS directly with python:
    pip install TTS
  • Otherwise, install the full repo from Coqui-AI TTS github:
    git clone
    cd TTS
    pip install -e .[all]

Checking language models and voices

First thing you can do is to check the available models to transform text into voice in different languages.

Type the following in your terminal:

tts --list_models

No API token found for 🐸Coqui Studio voices -
Visit 🔗 to get one.
Set it as an environment variable `export COQUI_STUDIO_TOKEN=`

Name format: type/language/dataset/model
1: tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v2 [already downloaded]
2: tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v1.1 [already downloaded]
3: tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/your_tts
4: tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/bark [already downloaded]
5: tts_models/bg/cv/vits
6: tts_models/cs/cv/vits
7: tts_models/da/cv/vits
8: tts_models/et/cv/vits
9: tts_models/ga/cv/vits
10: tts_models/en/ek1/tacotron2
11: tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC
12: tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC_ph
13: tts_models/en/ljspeech/glow-tts
14: tts_models/en/ljspeech/speedy-speech
15: tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DCA
16: tts_models/en/ljspeech/vits
17: tts_models/en/ljspeech/vits--neon
18: tts_models/en/ljspeech/fast_pitch
19: tts_models/en/ljspeech/overflow
20: tts_models/en/ljspeech/neural_hmm
21: tts_models/en/vctk/vits
22: tts_models/en/vctk/fast_pitch
23: tts_models/en/sam/tacotron-DDC
24: tts_models/en/blizzard2013/capacitron-t2-c50
25: tts_models/en/blizzard2013/capacitron-t2-c150_v2
26: tts_models/en/multi-dataset/tortoise-v2
27: tts_models/en/jenny/jenny
28: tts_models/es/mai/tacotron2-DDC [already downloaded]
29: tts_models/es/css10/vits [already downloaded]
30: tts_models/fr/mai/tacotron2-DDC
31: tts_models/fr/css10/vits
32: tts_models/uk/mai/glow-tts
33: tts_models/uk/mai/vits
34: tts_models/zh-CN/baker/tacotron2-DDC-GST
35: tts_models/nl/mai/tacotron2-DDC
36: tts_models/nl/css10/vits
37: tts_models/de/thorsten/tacotron2-DCA
38: tts_models/de/thorsten/vits
39: tts_models/de/thorsten/tacotron2-DDC
40: tts_models/de/css10/vits-neon
41: tts_models/ja/kokoro/tacotron2-DDC
42: tts_models/tr/common-voice/glow-tts
43: tts_models/it/mai_female/glow-tts
44: tts_models/it/mai_female/vits
45: tts_models/it/mai_male/glow-tts
46: tts_models/it/mai_male/vits
47: tts_models/ewe/openbible/vits
48: tts_models/hau/openbible/vits
49: tts_models/lin/openbible/vits
50: tts_models/tw_akuapem/openbible/vits
51: tts_models/tw_asante/openbible/vits
52: tts_models/yor/openbible/vits
53: tts_models/hu/css10/vits
54: tts_models/el/cv/vits
55: tts_models/fi/css10/vits
56: tts_models/hr/cv/vits
57: tts_models/lt/cv/vits
58: tts_models/lv/cv/vits
59: tts_models/mt/cv/vits
60: tts_models/pl/mai_female/vits
61: tts_models/pt/cv/vits
62: tts_models/ro/cv/vits
63: tts_models/sk/cv/vits
64: tts_models/sl/cv/vits
65: tts_models/sv/cv/vits
66: tts_models/ca/custom/vits
67: tts_models/fa/custom/glow-tts
68: tts_models/bn/custom/vits-male
69: tts_models/bn/custom/vits-female
70: tts_models/be/common-voice/glow-tts

Name format: type/language/dataset/model
1: vocoder_models/universal/libri-tts/wavegrad
2: vocoder_models/universal/libri-tts/fullband-melgan [already downloaded]
3: vocoder_models/en/ek1/wavegrad
4: vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/multiband-melgan
5: vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/hifigan_v2
6: vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/univnet
7: vocoder_models/en/blizzard2013/hifigan_v2
8: vocoder_models/en/vctk/hifigan_v2
9: vocoder_models/en/sam/hifigan_v2
10: vocoder_models/nl/mai/parallel-wavegan
11: vocoder_models/de/thorsten/wavegrad
12: vocoder_models/de/thorsten/fullband-melgan
13: vocoder_models/de/thorsten/hifigan_v1
14: vocoder_models/ja/kokoro/hifigan_v1
15: vocoder_models/uk/mai/multiband-melgan
16: vocoder_models/tr/common-voice/hifigan
17: vocoder_models/be/common-voice/hifigan
Name format: type/language/dataset/model
1: voice_conversion_models/multilingual/vctk/freevc24 [already downloaded]

Or filter the result with grep, for example to get spanish models:

tts --list_models | grep "/es"

28: tts_models/es/mai/tacotron2-DDC [already downloaded]
29: tts_models/es/css10/vits [already downloaded]

Text to speech

With all this you're ready to turn text into speech in a matter of seconds and in the language of your choice.

In the previous terminal, write the following, specifying the right model name:

tts --text "Ahora puedo hablar en español!" --model_name "tts_models/es/css10/vits" --out_path output/tts-es.wav

Make sure that the output folder exists, then check your result. The first time you'll get several files downloaded, and you'll have to accept Coqui-AI license. Next, voice generation only takes a few seconds:

Voice cloning

Lastly, the most amazing feature of this model is the voice cloning from only a few seconds of audio recording.

Like in the previous post, I took some 30 seconds of Ultron's voice from the film Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Sample in spanish:

Sample in english:

Now, let's prepare a python script to set all needed parameters, which will do the following:

  • Import torch and TTS
    import torch
    from TTS.api import TTS
  • Define memory device (cuda or cpu). Using cpu should be enough (cuda might probably crash).
  • Define text to be generated.
    txt="Voice generated from text"
  • Define the reference audio sample (a .wav file of about 30 seconds)
  • Call to TTS model
  • File creation
    tts1.tts_to_file(txt, speaker_wav=sample, language="es", file_path="output-folder/output-file.wav")

I called a script looking like this:

import torch
from TTS.api import TTS

# Get device ('cuda' or 'cpu')

#Define text
txt="Bienvenido a este nuevo artículo del blog. Disfruta de tu visita."
#txt="Welcome to this new block post... Enjoy your visit!"

#Define audio sample

#Run cloning
tts1 = TTS("tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v2").to(device)

tts1.tts_to_file(txt, speaker_wav=sample, language="es", file_path="../output/ultron-es.wav")

Run it from the TTS folder where the repo was installed:

cd TTS


Here I drop the results I got on my first tests.



And with a couple of iterations you can get really amazing results.

Any doubts or comments you can still drop me a line on Twitter/X

🐦 @RoamingWorkshop

🐢TorToiSe-TTS: AI text to speech generation

AI trends are here to stay, and today there’s much talk about Vall-E and its future combination with GPT-3. But we must remember that all these Artificial Intelligence products come from collaborative investigation that have been freely available, so we will always find an open-source equivalent, and we must be thankful about it.

That’s the case of TorToiSe-TTS (text to speech), an AI voice generator from written text totally free to use in your PC.

Just listen to a little sample below from Morgan Freeman:


The easiest is to use the cloud script in Google Collab uploaded by the developer:

You just need to sign in and click "play" ▶ to run each block of code.

But for sure you want to run TorToiSe-TTS locally, without internet, and save the audio in your local drive, so let's move on.

Installing python3

Like many AI applications, TorToiSe-TTS runs in python, so you need python3 in your PC. I always recommend the use of Linux, but you might be able to run it in a Windows terminal as well.

On Linux, just install it from your distro repo:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.11

You'll also need the module venv to virtualize a python environment (it uses to come with the Windows installer):

sudo apt-get install python3.11-venv

Download repository

Download the official repository:

Be it the compressed file:

Or using git:

git clone

You can also download my fork repository, where I add further installation instructions, a terminal automatic launcher and some test voices for Ultron (yes, Tony Stark's evil droid) which we'll see later on.

Create a python virtual environment

Next we'll have to install a series of python modules needed to run TorToiSe-TTS, but before this, we'll create a virtual python version, so the installation of these modules won't affect the rest of the python installation. You'll find this helpful when you use different AI apps that use different versions of the same module.

Open a terminal and write the following, so you'll create a "TTS" environment:

cd tortoise-tts
python3 -m venv TTS

Activate it this way:

source TTS/bin/activate

And now you'll see a referente to the TTS environment in the terminal:

(TTS) abc@123:~$ |

Install python modules

Let's now install the required modules, following the collab indications:

pip3 install -U scipy
pip3 install transformers==4.19.0
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 install

Now you can try running TorToiSe-TTS, but some libraries will fail, depending on your python installation:

python3 scripts/ "This is The Roaming Workshop" -v "daniel" -p "fast" -o "test1.wav"

Try the previous command until you don't get any errors, installing the missing moules. In my case, they were the following:

pip3 install torch
pip3 install torchaudio
pip3 install llvmlite
pip3 install numpy==1.23

Finally, this test1.wav sound like this in the voice of daniel (which turns out to be Daniel Craig):

Using TorToiSe-TTS

The most simple program in TorToiSe-TTS is found in the folder scripts/ and these are the main arguments:

python3 scripts/ "text" -v "voice" -V "route/to/voices/folder" --seed number -p "fast" -o "output-file.wav" 
  • "text": text chain that will be converted to audio
  • -v: voice to be used to convert text. It must be the name of one of the folders available in /tortoise/voices/
  • -V: specifies a folder for voices, in the case that you use a custom one.
  • --seed: seed number to feature the algorithm (can be any number)
  • -p: preset mode that determines quality ("ultra_fast", "fast", "standard", "high_quality").
  • -o: route and name of the output file. You must specify the fileformat, which is .wav

If you use my repo script you'll be asked for these arguments on screen and it will run the algorithm automatically.

Add your own voices

You can add more voices to TorToiSe-TTS. For example, I wanted to add the voice of Ultron, the Marvel supervillain, following the developer Neonbjb indications:

  • You must record 3 "clean" samples (without background noise or music) of about 10 seconds duration.
  • The format must be 16bits floating point WAV with 22500 sample rate (you can use Audacity)
  • Create a new folder inside /tortoise/voices (or anywhere, really) and save your recordings there.
  • When running TorToiSe-TTS, you'll need to call the voices folder with argument -V and the new voice with argument -v

For example, to use my Ultron recordings:

python3 sripts/ "This is The Roaming Workshop" -V "./tortoise/voices" -v "ultron-en" -p "fast" --seed 17 -o "./wavs/TRW_ultron3.wav"

Which sound like this:

I've taken cuts from a scene in Avengers: age of Ultron, both in English (ultron-en) and Spanish (ultron-es) which you can download from my repository.

"Ultron supervillain" by Optimised Stable Diffusion + Upscayl 2. The Roaming Workshop 2023.

Right now, the TorToiSe-TTS model is trained only in English, so it only woks properly in this language.

You can introduce text in another language, and AI will try to read it, but it will use the pronunciation learnt in English and it will sound weird.

If you are willing to train a model in your language (you need plenty GPU and several months), contact the developer, as he's keep to expand the project.

In the meantime, you can send any doubts or comments on 🐦 Twitter or 🐤 Koo!

🐦 @RoamingWorkshop

🐤 @TheRoamingWorkshop

Dalle-playground: AI image generation local server for low resources PCs

AI image generation has a high computational cost. Don’t trust the speed of Dall·E 2 API that we saw in this post; if these services are usually paid, it’s for a reason and, apart from the online services that we also saw, running AI in an average computer is not so simple.

After trying, in vane, some open-source alternatives like Pixray or Dalle-Flow, I finally bring the most simple of them: dalle-playground. This is a starting version of Dalle, so you won’t obtain the best of the results.

Despite this, I will soon bring an alternative to Dall·E (Stable Diffusion from, which also supports a version optimized by the community for low resources PCs.


"Computer hardware elements" by dalle-playground


Just for you to picture it, Pixray recommends a minimum 16GB of VRAM and Dalle-Flow 21GB. VRAM or virtual RAM is the rapid access memory in your graphics card (don't confuse it with the usual RAM memory).

A standard laptop like mine has a Nvidia GeForce GTX1050Ti with 3GB dedicated VRAM, plus 8GB RAM on board.

With this minimum requirement, and some patience, you can run Dalle-playground locally in your PC, although it also requires an internet connection to check for updated python modules and AI checkpoints.

If you have one or several more powerful graphic cards, I would recommend trying Pixray, as it installs relatively easy and it's well documented and extended.


Software requirements aren't trivial either. You'll need python and Node.js. I will show the main steps for Linux, which is more flexible when installing all kinds of packages of this kind, but this is equally valid for Windows or Mac if you manage yourself on a terminal or using docker.

Download dalle-playground

I found this repository by chance, just before it was updated for Stable Diffusion V2 (back in November 2022) and I was smart enough to clone it.

Access and download all the repository from my github:

Or optionally download the original repository with Stable Diffusion V2, but this requires much more VRAM:

If you use git you can clone it directly from the terminal:

git clone

I renamed the folder locally to dalle-playground.

Install python3 and required modules

All the algorithm works in python in a backend. The main repository only mentions the use of python3, so I assume that previous versions wont work. Check your python version with:

>> python3 -V
Python 3.10.6

Or install it from its official source (it's currently on version 3.11, so check which is the latest available for your system):

Or from your Linux repo:

sudo apt-get install python3.10

You'll also need the venv module to virtualize dalle-playground's working environment so it won't alter the whole python installation (the following is for Linux as it's included in the Windows installer):

sudo apt-get install python3.10-venv

In the backend folder, create a python virtual environment, which I named after dalleP:

cd dalle-playground/backend
python3 -m venv dalleP

Now, activate this virtual environment (you'll see that the name appears at the start of the terminal line):

(dalleP) abc@123: ~dalle-playground/backend$

Install the remaining python modules required by dalle-playground which are indicated in the file dalle-playground/backend/requirements.txt

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Apart from this, you'll need pyTorch, if not installed yet:

pip3 intall torch

Install npm

Node.js will run a local web server which will act as an app. Install it from the official source:

Or from your Linux repo:

sudo apt-get install npm

Now move to the frontend folder dalle-playground/interface and install the modules needed by Node:

cd dalle-playground/interface
npm install

Launch the backend

With all installed let's launch the servers, starting with the backend.

First activate the python virtual environment in the folder dalle-playground/backend (if you just installed it, it should be activated already)

cd dalle-playground/backend
source dalleP/bin/activate

Launch the backend app:

python3 --port 8080 --model_version mini

The backend will take a couple of minutes (from 2 to 5 minutes). Wait for a message like the following and focus on the IP addresses that appear at the end:

--> DALL-E Server is up and running!
--> Model selected - DALL-E ModelSize.MINI
 * Serving Flask app 'app' (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
INFO:werkzeug:WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on all addresses (
 * Running on
 * Running on http://192.168.1.XX:8080

Launch frontend

We'll now launch the Node.js local web server, opening a new terminal:

cd dalle-playground/interfaces
npm start

When the process finishes, it will launch a web browser and show the graphical interface of the app.

Automatic launcher

In Linux you can use my script which starts backend and frontend automatically following the steps above. Just sit and wait for it to load.

#Launcher for dalle-playground in Linux terminal

#Launchs backend and frontend scripts in one go
$(bash ./ && bash ./ &)

#Both scripts will run in one terminal.
#Close this terminal to stop the programm.

#Backend launcher for dalle-playground in Linux terminal

#move to backend folder
echo "------ MOVING TO BACKEND FOLDER ------"
cd ./backend

#set python virtual environment
python3 -m venv dalleP
source dalleP/bin/activate

#launch backend
python3 --port 8080 --model_version mini &

#Frontend launcher for dalle-playground in Linux terminal

#move to frontend folder
echo "------ MOVING TO FRONTEND FOLDER ------"
cd ./interface

#launch frontend
npm start &

App dalle-playground

In the first field, type the IP address for the backend server that we saw earlier. If you're accessing from the same PC, you can use the first one:

But you can access from any other device in your local network using the second one:


Now introduce the image description to be generated in the second field, and choose the number of images to show (more images will take longer).

Press [enter] and wait for the image to generate (about 5 minutes per image).

And there you have your first local AI generated image. I will include a small gallery of results below. And in the next post I will be showing how to obtain better results using Stable Diffusion, also for lower than 4GB VRAM.

You know I await your doubts and comments on 🐦 Twitter!

🐦 @RoamingWorkshop

Note: original images at 256x256 pixels, upscaled using Upscayl.

Dall·E 2 Beta: image generation using artificial intelligence (AI)

I had this pending for a while, and by following some Tweets and the project GOIA by Iker Jiménez, it seemed that AI image generation had become really accessible. And it is. There’s enormous advance in this field. But it all has a price.

Image generation from OpenAI, one of Elon Musk giants, named after Dall·E, launched its open API for everyone to test.

It’s got 18$ credit to use during 3 months only by signing up. The rest needs to be paid, but you’ll have enough for making tests, and the it’s only 0.02$ per picture. Additionally it’s easy to use and the results are great.

It’s worth trying it to know what’s the top and at the end I will show you what we, the rest, of the mortals can use daily.

But first… let’s start with a picture of Teide volcano in Tenerife. Is it real or virtual?

Teide picture, Tenerife, created with Dall·E 2 by OpenAI. The Roaming Workshop 2022.


Ok, very quickly, OpenAI is the Artifitial Intelligence (AI) megaproject from Elon Musk & Co. Within the numerous capabilities of this neuronal networks, we can generate images from natural language text, but there's much more.

IA will make our life easier in the future, so have a look at all the examples that are open during Beta testing:

Basically, a computer is "trained" with real, well featured, examples so, from them, the computer generates new content to satisfy a request.

The computer will not generate exactly what you want or think, something expected, but it will generate it's own result from your request and what it has been learning during training.

Image generation from natural language might the the most graphical application, but the potential is unimaginable. Up there I just asked Dall·E for the word "Teide". But, what if we think about things that have not happened, that we have not seen, or simple imaginations? Well, AI is able to bring to life your thoughts. Whatever you can imagine is shown on screen.

Now, let's see how to use it.

Dall·E 2 API

To "sell us" the future, OpenAI makes it very easy. We'll find plenty documentation to spend hours in a Beta trial version completely open for three months, and you'll only need an email address.

Sign up to use Dall·E 2 from their web site, pressing Sign Up button.

You'll have to verify your email address and then log into your account. Be careful because you'll be redirected to the commercial site

The trial site is this one:

Create an API key

From the top menu, click on your profile and select View API keys.

If you've just registered, you'll have to generate a new secret, then copy it somewhere safe, as you'll need it to use the API commands.

Using Dall·E 2

That's it. No more requirements. Let's start playing!

Let's see how to generate and image according to the documentation:

To keep it simple we can use curl, so you just need to open up a terminal, be it in Window, MacOS or Linux. The code indicated is the following:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{
  "prompt": "A cute baby sea otter",
  "n": 2,
  "size": "1024x1024"

Here we need to type our secret key in place of YOUR_API_KEY.

Also write a description for the image you want inside prompt.

With n we define the number of images generated by this request.

And size is the picture size, allowing 256x256, 512x512, o 1024x1024.

I'm going to try with "a map of Mars in paper".

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer sk-TuApiKeyAqui" -d "{\"prompt\":\"A map of Mars in paper\",\"n\":1,\"size\":\"1024x1024\"}"

TIP! Copy+paste this code in your terminal, replacing your secret key "sk-..." and the prompt.

You'll get back an URL as a response to your request, which is a web link to the generated image.

Open the link to see the result:

"A map of Mars in paper" with Dall·E 2. The Roaming WorkShop 2022.



Well, well... let's get back to Earth. You wouldn't think this speed and quality would be free, would you? Go back to your OpenAI account where you can see the use that you make fo the API and how you spend your credit.

As I was saying earlier, the Beta offers 18$ to spend during 3 months and every picture in 1024px is about 0,065$ (0,002$ for lowest quality).

All the main AI platforms similar to OpenAI (Midjourney, Nightcafe, DreamAI, etc) work this way, offering some credit for use, as it is the powerful performance of their servers what is being traded.

Alternatives (free ones)

There are various open-source and totally free alternatives. I invite you to try them all and choose the one you like the most, but I must warn you that there are many software and hardware requisites. You specially need a good graphic card (or several of them). In the end, you need to put in the balance how much you'll use the AI, and if it's not worth spending a couple cents for a couple pictures every now and then.

From the 4 recommendations below I have successfully tested the last two, the least powerful of them:

1. Pixray

Looks promising for its simple installation and use. Don't trust the picture above (it's their pixelated module) because it has plenty of complex options for very detailed image generation.

There is also plenty documentation made by users and support via Discord.

On the other hand, they recommend about 16GB of VRAM (virtual RAM from the GPU of your graphic card). I crashed for insufficient memory without seeing the results...

2. Dalle-Flow

Very technical and complex. The results look brilliant, but I couldn't achieve installation or web use. It uses several specific python modules that supposedly run on Google Colab. Or it's discontinued and it's currently broken, or the documentation is poor, or I'm a completely useless on this... Additionally the recommend about 21GB of VRAM to run standalone, although it could be shared using Colab... I could never check.

3. Craiyon

The former Dalle-mini created by Boris Dayma has a pactical web version totally free (no credit or payments, only a few ads while loading).

Although results aren't brilliant from scratch, we can improve them using Upscayl (I'll tell you more about it later).

4. Dalle-playground

One of the many repositories derived from dalle-mini, in this case comes in a handy package that we can use freely with no cost in our home PC having very little hardware and software requirements. It runs as a local webapp in your browser as it generates a server that you can access anywhere in your network.

Together with Upscayl, they make good tandem to generate AI images in your own PC for free.

In the next post we'll see how to generate this images in our ordinary PC, with Dalle-playground y Upscayl.

That's all for now! I wait your doubts or comments about this Dall·E post on 🐦 Twitter!

🐦 @RoamingWorkshop